University of Calabria
University of Calabria
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[[ cds.CourseTypeDescription ]] interclass  - [[ ]] in

[[ cds.CdSName ]]

[[ cds.CourseClassCod ]]/[[ cds.CourseInterClassCod ]] / Cod. [[ cds.CdSCod ]]

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[[ cds.CourseTypeDescription ]] interclass  - [[ ]] in

[[ cds.CdSName ]]

[[ cds.CourseClassCod ]]/[[ cds.CourseInterClassCod ]] / Cod. [[ cds.CdSCod ]]

Address bookAddress book
Italian English

Final Exam

Attending the Final Exam

  • Present yourself at the session with the poster (and presentation for the Master's) and hang it the designated space.

  • Upon arrival of the Graduation Committee:

    1. Present your work by referring to the illustrations on the poster.

    2. Answer the committee's technical questions.

    3. Run the demo if provided.

  • After the examination of the candidates, the Graduation Committee retreats to deliberate the outcome.

  • Upon returning of the Graduation Committee the students line up in front of the desk and step forward when called during the final proclamation.

Awarding of the Final Mark

  • The final mark is awarded by the Graduation Committee.

  • In order to pass, it is necessary to achieve a minimum mark of 66/110.

  • The maximum mark is 110/110 with possible attribution of honors (subject to the ascertained relevance of the results achieved by the candidate and the unanimous evaluation of the committee)

  • The final mark depends on the quality of the thesis and its presentation, not on the supervisor.

  • The final mark is obtained by adding:

    1. the starting mark, given by the weighted average on the number of credits of the marks obtained, expressed as a fraction of 110 and rounded using the standard method,

    2. the mark assigned to the thesis by the committee, also on the basis of the presentation and discussion by the candidate, up to a maximum of 8 points,

    3. a bonus awarded to the most deserving candidates and candidates on the basis of their career and experience abroad.