University of Calabria
University of Calabria
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[[ cds.CourseTypeDescription ]] interclass  - [[ ]] in

[[ cds.CdSName ]]

[[ cds.CourseClassCod ]]/[[ cds.CourseInterClassCod ]] / Cod. [[ cds.CdSCod ]]

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[[ cds.CourseTypeDescription ]] interclass  - [[ ]] in

[[ cds.CdSName ]]

[[ cds.CourseClassCod ]]/[[ cds.CourseInterClassCod ]] / Cod. [[ cds.CdSCod ]]

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Italian English

Applying for the thesis

  1. Your are advised to apply for the thesis at the beginning of the second semester of the last year and/or when there are at most three exams (less than 18 CFU) to be taken, and before starting the internship.

  2. It is possible to consult more than one faculty member for thesis subjects, and have more than one supervisor.

  3. It is possible to choose any faculty member of the degree programme as supervisor. A lecturer of a bachelor's degrees course can be supervisor of a master's degree thesis and vice versa.

  4. The thesis cannot be requested before the beginning of the last year.

  5. The thesis can be carried out at the University of Calabria or at any other university, institute or research entity, either public or private, Italian or foreign, and at companies, as long as they have an agreement with the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science.

  6. In order to carry out a thesis in a company one must follow the iter for the activation of a company internship.

  7. The thesis can be requested by making an appointment with the forseen thesis supervisor. If one of the supervisors is external to the degree course you must apply for the thesis using the form which is available in the section form of this page.
