University of Calabria
University of Calabria
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[[ cds.CourseTypeDescription ]] interclass  - [[ ]] in

[[ cds.CdSName ]]

[[ cds.CourseClassCod ]]/[[ cds.CourseInterClassCod ]] / Cod. [[ cds.CdSCod ]]

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[[ cds.CourseTypeDescription ]] interclass  - [[ ]] in

[[ cds.CdSName ]]

[[ cds.CourseClassCod ]]/[[ cds.CourseInterClassCod ]] / Cod. [[ cds.CdSCod ]]

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The education in Computer Science includes an internship period to be carried out either within a private body accreditated with Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, or within a public body or institution, including the Department itself.

For students enrolled in the A.Y. 2015-2016 or after:

  • The internship is mandatory.

  • The work done during the internship can be used as a basis for the development of the final thesis.

  • The internship must be registered on Esse3 as in the case of all exams.

  • Each exam session will have a date for the registration of internships.

The didactic manager responsible for internships is dott.ssa Oliva.


Internship in the Department

The student must:

  1. Contact a faculty member of the degree course who will act as supervisor for the trainee.

  2. Agree with her/him a theme for the internship to be carried out.

  3. At the end of the internship:

    1. Submit the "Certificate of completion of the internship" (download) to the responsible didactic manager.

    2. Register yourself on Esse3 at the first useful exam session following the date of submission of the certificate.


Internship with an accredited company

The student must:

  1. Contact a faculty member of the degree course who will act as an internal supervisor.

  2. Choose a company among those listed here to carry out the internship.

  3. Agree on a theme for the internship to be carried out at the company.

  4. After the assignment:

    • Download and complete the "Training and Orientation Project Form" (download).

    • Submit a copy, regularly signed and stamped by the representative of the selected company, of the above mentioned form to the responsible didactic manager.

  5. At the end of the internship:

    • Submit a questionnaire to be filled in by the hosting company (download).

    • Submit the "Certificate of completion of the internship" (download), filled in and printed on stationery with the host's letterhead.

    • Register yourself on Esse3 at the first useful session following the date of submission of the certificates.

IMPORTANT: Please note that 20 days are usually necessary from the date of the request for the authorization of the Department to carry out the company internship. As a result, students interested in this type of internship are warmly invited to request the internship as soon as possible.


Internship with a non accredited company

In case of a company without an agreement, it is necessary to stipulate a specific agreement with the University.

To this end, the student must:

  • Solicit the company's legal representative to fill in the appropriate convention form (download).

  • Give the completed form to the responsible didactic manager.

After the ratification of the agreement, the student can proceed as in the case of an accredited company internship.

IMPORTANT: The evaluation of the application and possible ratification of the agreement usually requires 15 days. Consequently, students interested in this type of internship are strongly encouraged to start the convention procedure as soon as possible, bearing in mind that further 20 days are necessary for the authorisation of the Department to carry out the company internship.