University of Calabria
University of Calabria
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[[ cds.CourseTypeDescription ]] interclass  - [[ ]] in

[[ cds.CdSName ]]

[[ cds.CourseClassCod ]]/[[ cds.CourseInterClassCod ]] / Cod. [[ cds.CdSCod ]]

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[[ cds.CourseTypeDescription ]] interclass  - [[ ]] in

[[ cds.CdSName ]]

[[ cds.CourseClassCod ]]/[[ cds.CourseInterClassCod ]] / Cod. [[ cds.CdSCod ]]

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Italian English

Writing the thesis

  • The thesis (even in the case of a company internship) must be prepared under the supervision of a faculty member belonging to the department,  eventually joined with one or more co-supervisors.

  • Templates (.docx format) are available at the bottom of this page.

  • You should agree on the content and structure of the thesis with your supervisor before starting to write it. 

  • You should create the thesis in digital format and periodically submit it for review by the supervisor.

  • Once the supervisor approves the submission of the thesis, the instructions for submitting a thesis must be followed. Any source code should be submitted (unless it is protected by nondisclosure agreements) together with the thesis. 


  • Leave a left margin of approximately 3.5 cm to allow for possible binding.

  • The text must be justified (aligned both right and left).

  • Font size from 10 to 12 points.

  • Line spacing ranges from 1 to 1.5.

  • Use a non-proportional font (such as Courier New), for snippets of code and names of functions and classes that occur in the text.

  • Use a proportional serif font (for example, Times New Roman) for the rest of the text.

  • Use page breaks to start new pages (do not use the ENTER key).

  • There is no limit on the number of pages of the thesis.

  • It is possible to write the thesis in English.

Title page

  • Use the title page template available in the forms section of this page.

  • Indicate the name of all the supervisors including any company tutor.

  • To indicate your supervisor on the title page, the following rules apply:

    • prof. = For full professors 

    • Prof. = For associate and aggregate professors (lecturing researchers)

    • Dott. = For fixed-term researchers and post-doc fellows

    • Ing. = Engineers

    • Dott. Ing. = Doctor of Engineering not enrolled in the Order of engineers

    • If in doubt, ask your supervisor


The contents of the introduction must be very explicit and contain in a clear way:

  • The context in which the thesis is placed. If it is an experimental thesis, this description must clearly state the unsolved problem that the thesis wants to tackle. If a thesis is related to the development of a particular software module, it is necessary to highlight the deficit that this software module is going to fill. If it is a compilation thesis, the lack of organic documentation related to the topic must be highlighted.

  • The objectives of your thesis, expressed in the context in which it is placed.

  • A list of the most important contributions of your thesis. For example, for a development thesis, this could be a list of the most useful and original features that are implemented.

  • A list of technical issues that needed to be resolved.

  • The description of the content of your thesis, chapter by chapter. 

Final conclusions

In general, the final conclusions summarize the work done, you comment on it on the basis of the results obtained, and indicate possible directions in which the work could continue. 


The bibliography is a list of references to information sources that have been consulted during the preparation of the thesis work. Usually, every bibliographic reference is associated with a number or a label that can be refered to  in the body of the text.

The bibliography is an ordered list of items. Bibliographic references should be used as much as possible in the body of the text, in such a way that it is easy for the reader to reconstruct the source of the statements that are made.

Example of a well-done bibliography:

  1. F. Calimeri, S. Cozza, G. Ianni.External sources of knowledge and value invention in logic programming. Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence 50 (3-4), p. 333-361 (2007).

  2. Bjarne Stroustrup. C++ Language, standard library, programming principles (4/Edition). Pearson Editions. ISBN: 9788865188064.

  3. Degree in Computer Science, University of Calabria. URL: on 01/01/2020.

  4. Merriam-Webster Online. URL: on 01/05/2020. 

Writing tips

Use of English terms within Italian texts

When foreign terms are used within a paragraph written in Italian, they should not be reported in the plural.

  • Correct: "L'architettura è stata interamente sviluppata usando container docker."

  • Incorrect: "L'architettura è stata interamente sviluppata usando containerS docker."

Orderly display of the concepts

When you mention a component of your work, or a module, a feature, etc. it is necessary that this has been previously introduced and described.

Incorrect example:

  • "The architecture is a classic client-server, for the part concerning the WebApp. All these modules (except spring and the db) have been integrated through RestAPI."

The above text would be substantially correct if the objects we are talking about had been introduced first. But since some things have not been defined, the reader will see some disorientating information appear outof the blue: "Is there a spring module? Are we talking about a webapp? Is there a backend made with a db?"

Correct version:

  • "The application presented is provided in the form of a WebApp and architecturally respects the classic client-server configuration. The architecture includes a back-end database, a spring module, and a front-end. All modules of the architecture, with the exception of Spring and the database, have been integrated through RestAPI. RestAPI is an architectural style that [...]"

Incorrect example:

  • "The first version of SuperParser contained [...]"

What is SuperParser? Was there another version of it?

Correct version:

  • "To solve the problems highlighted above, we have introduced a class called SuperParser, which can be used for [...]. SuperParser was developed in two successive versions. In the first version SuperParser [...]"
