University of Calabria
University of Calabria
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[[ cds.CourseTypeDescription ]] interclass  - [[ ]] in

[[ cds.CdSName ]]

[[ cds.CourseClassCod ]]/[[ cds.CourseInterClassCod ]] / Cod. [[ cds.CdSCod ]]

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[[ cds.CourseTypeDescription ]] interclass  - [[ ]] in

[[ cds.CdSName ]]

[[ cds.CourseClassCod ]]/[[ cds.CourseInterClassCod ]] / Cod. [[ cds.CdSCod ]]

Address bookAddress book
Italian English


Before the Session

  • Contact a professor who will be the supervisor of your thesis.
  • The thesis is often linked to the internship and is generally a paper that describes the topics studied and the results obtained during the internship, whether in a company or within the department.
  • After submitting the thesis, a few weeks before the session, prepare the poster (for a bachelor’s degree) or the presentation (for a master’s degree) that must be approved by your supervisor before the session.


At least 45 days before the session, complete the application for the final degree exam on the Esse3 system (end-of-course application). Before booking, you must have the consent of your supervisor. You can submit the request even if you have not completed all exams. In case of withdrawal, for any reason, you must notify the department’s student office.

At least 15 days before the session, you must:

  • Upload the electronic copy of the thesis in PDF/A format on Esse3. The title page of the thesis must contain your holographic or digital signature and that of the main supervisor (e.g., take a photo with your cell phone of your signature and include the image on the title page). For any software code developed as part of the thesis, you can include a link to a GIT repository or another digital archive in the thesis.
  • Upload the completed and signed Self-Certification of pending charges from the Residential Center: to download the form, go here.
  • Upload the Receipt of completion of the Almalaurea questionnaire, which you can obtain from the Almalaurea website.
  • Request the certification of no pending charges from the Central Library using the Uniticket system: after logging in, make a new request, select "University Library System" and then "Request for pending charges for career conclusion".
  • Make a payment of €50.00 addressed to the University of Calabria (access the "fee situation", "situazione tasse" in Italian, in your reserved area of Esse3 where you will find the invoice, generated after completing the application).
  • (Only for the master’s degree) Submit an electronic copy of the thesis recorded on a CD to the Technical-Scientific Area Library (BATS).

NB: Printing the thesis is no longer necessary!